Germinar: Language, Power, Storytelling

  • with Jespa Jacob Kleinfeld
  • (2019)

The reading list from the course Germinar: Language, Power, Storytelling is shared in Bibliotecha from a course co-taught at Gestik (Gender Studies in Köln) under the same name.

Included in this reading lists are texts that welcome interruption, stoppage, open-endedness, and non- narrative articulations. The germinar approached theory from the bottom up: the form and the content are structured to refect one another. “Germinar” is a playful critique on the word “Seminar” which centers rhizomatic life forms as nonlinear re-codings of learning. We build a toolbox for imagining otherwise through queer, post- & de-colonial theory and artistic, anti-racist practice. To do this, we center personal narrative and trans* knowledge in an effort to understand how frameworks, stories and bodies hold power.